2012 Challenges: Classic Bribe Challenge

I'm excited to join Quirky Girls Read's Classic Bribe 2012 Challenge.  The reading challenge is for classics, the goal to read at least one this summer. A random drawing will decide the winner, but each book reviewed and linked up to on the challenge posts adds to the winnings.

I definitely plan on reading some Shakespeare, some Victorian authors like Trollope, Dickens, Collins, etc., and some children's classics too. I would LOVE to reread E. Nesbit!

1. Othello. William Shakespeare. 1603.
2. Martian Chronicles. Ray Bradbury. (1950)
3. Man in the Brown Suit. Agatha Christie (1924)
4. The Light Princess. George MacDonald. (1864)
5. The Secret Adversary. Agatha Christie (1922)
6. The Princess and the Goblin. George MacDonald.
7. Cousin Henry. Anthony Trollope. 1879. 336 pages.
8. Mrs. McGinty's Dead. Agatha Christie. 1952/2011. HarperCollins. 272 pages.
9. Much Ado About Nothing. William Shakespeare. 1599.
10. Fahrenheit 451. Ray Bradbury. 1953/2003. Random House. 190 pages.
11. Dombey and Son by Charles Dickens.
12. Lin McLean by Owen Wister
13. Diary of a Pilgrimage by Jerome K. Jerome
14. Mystery of the Blue Train by Agatha Christie
15.  Idle Thoughts for an Idle Fellow by Jerome K. Jerome
16. The Princess and the Curdie by George MacDonald
17. Lorna Doone. R.D. Blackmore.
18. Lady Audley's Secret. Mary Elizabeth Braddon.
19. Black Beauty. Anna Sewell.
20. After Dark. Wilkie Collins.


© 2012 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews