2012 Challenge Completed: Victorian Celebration

A Literary Odyssey hosted this two-month celebration of all things Victorian!

1. Becoming Queen Victoria: The Tragic Death of Princess Charlotte and the Unexpected Rise of Britain's Greatest Monarch. Kate Williams.
2. The Princess and the Goblin. George MacDonald. 1872. 259 pages.
3. The Light Princess. George MacDonald. 1864. 110 pages.
4. Cousin Henry. Anthony Trollope. 1879. 336 pages.
5. Magnificent Obsession: Victoria, Albert, and the Death that Changed the British Monarchy. Helen Rappaport. 2012. St. Martin's Press. 352 pages.
6. Dombey and Son. Charles Dickens. 1846-1848. 880 pages.
7. Diary of a Pilgrimage by Jerome K. Jerome
8. A Book of Cheerful Cats and Other Animated Animals
9. Murder in the First Class Carriage by Kate Colquhoun
10. Lin McLean by Owen Wister
11. The Yard by Alex Grecian
12. The Gathering Storm by Robin Bridges
13. Wild Romance by Chloe Schama
14. Suspicions of Mr. Whicher by Kate Summerscale
15. Idle Thoughts for an Idle Fellow by Jerome K. Jerome
16. The Princess and the Curdie by George MacDonald
17. Mrs. Robinson's Disgrace: The Private Diary of A Victorian Lady. Kate Summerscale.
18. Lorna Doone. R.D. Blackmore.
19. Lady Audley's Secret. Mary Elizabeth Braddon.
20. Clocks. Jerome K. Jerome.
21. Black Beauty. Anna Sewell.
22. After Dark. Wilkie Collins.
23. The Dead Witness: A Connoisseur's Collection of Victorian Detective Stories. Edited by Michael Sims

© 2012 Becky Laney of Becky's Book Reviews