2012 Challenges: Science Fiction Experience

I have been anticipating this one for a while now. So when I saw Carl post a sign-up today, well, how could I resist? Why would I even try to resist?! (January 1, 2012-February 29, 2012) The reviews are shared at this site.

The Books I Read:

1. To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis
2. Babylon 5: To Dream in the City of Sorrows by Kathryn M. Drennan
3. Babylon 5: The Shadow Within by Jeanne Cavelos
4. Babylon 5: In the Beginning by Peter David
5. Babylon 5: Legions of Fire: The Long Night of Centauri Prime. Peter David.
6. Babylon 5: Legions of Fire: Armies of Light and Dark. Peter David.
7. Babylon 5: Legions of Fire: Out of the Darkness. Peter David.
8. A Million Suns (Across the Universe #2). Beth Revis.
9. The Pledge. Kimberly Derting.
10. The Predicteds. Christine Seifert.
11. Scored. Lauren McLaughlin.
12. Shadows in Flight. Orson Scott Card.
13. Blackout. Connie Willis.
14. All Clear. Connie Willis.
15. Enchantress from the Stars. Sylvia Louise Engdahl.
16. The Way We Fall. Megan Crewe.
17. Tankborn. Karen Sandler.
18. All Good Children. Catherine Austen
19. Cinder. (The Lunar Chronicles #1). Marissa Meyer.
20. Crossed. Ally Condie.
21. Awaken. Katie Kacvinsky.
22. The Demolished Man. Alfred Bester.
23. Alas, Babylon. Pat Frank.
24. The Worthing Saga. Orson Scott Card.
25. Earth Abides. George R. Stewart.
26. Time for the Stars. Robert A. Heinlein.
27. The Puppet Masters. Robert A. Heinlein
28. The Door Into Summer. Robert A. Heinlein.
29. Double Star. Robert A. Heinlein
30. The Stars My Destination. Alfred Bester.
31. We. Yevgeny Zamyatin.

These are the books I'm planning on reading.

Babylon 5: The Shadow Within by Jeanne Cavelos

Babylon 5: To Dream in the City of Sorrows by Kathryn M. Drennan

Babylon 5: Dark Genesis: The Birth of the Psi Corps by J. Gregory Keyes

Babylon 5: Deadly Relations: Bester Ascendant by J. Gregory Keyes

Babylon 5: Final Reckoning: The Fate of Bester by J. Gregory Keyes

Babylon 5: Legions of Fire: The Long Night of Centauri Prime by Peter David

Babylon 5: Legions of Fire: Armies of Light and Dark by Peter David

Babylon 5: Legions of Fire: Out of the Darkness by Peter David

Babylon 5: In the Beginning by Peter David

Shadows in Flight by Orson Scott Card

To Say Nothing of the Dog by Connie Willis

Blackout by Connie Willis

All Clear by Connie Willis

The Worthing Saga by Orson Scott Card

Foundation by Isaac Asimov

Foundation and Empire by Isaac Asimov

Second Foundation by Isaac Asimov

We by Yevgeny Zamyatin